We drilled and tapped our ShopSabre CNC Router bed for different work holding options. Let's walk through how we did that.
Drilling and Tapping Holes in a CNC Router Bed
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We've made some big changes to our space - bought new CNC machines, and woodworking tools, upgraded others and generally improved most aspects. Including a new Prusa i3 MK3S+. Let's take a Shop Tour 2022!
We finally did it – we made our own Tool Changer Rack for our CNC Router and increased the tool capacity by 240%
We drilled and tapped our ShopSabre CNC Router bed for different work holding options. Let's walk through how we did that.
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Super glue and painters tape makes for a wonderful residue-free, super-strong CNC fixturing method. See our guide on how to do this yourself with all the tools necessary.
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