feeds & speeds — Blog — Portland CNC

feeds & speeds

Drilling and Tapping Holes in a CNC Router Bed

Drilling and Tapping Holes in a CNC Router Bed

We drilled and tapped our ShopSabre CNC Router bed for different work holding options. Let's walk through how we did that.

PDX CNC Products

Dust Boot

Dust Boot

ISO30 Tool holder

ISO30 Tool holder

Tool Tag Tower

Tool Tag Tower

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How to Cut Aluminum on a CNC Router

How to Cut Aluminum on a CNC Router

Let’s talk about routing aluminum. We’ve done a handful of aluminum projects on our machine but this was the big kahuna: Six sheets of 0.5 inch thick 6061.

PDX CNC Products

Dust Boot

Dust Boot

ISO30 Tool holder

ISO30 Tool holder

Tool Tag Tower

Tool Tag Tower

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