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PDX CNC Products
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We've made some big changes to our space - bought new CNC machines, and woodworking tools, upgraded others and generally improved most aspects. Including a new Prusa i3 MK3S+. Let's take a Shop Tour 2022!
We finally did it – we made our own Tool Changer Rack for our CNC Router and increased the tool capacity by 240%
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We are snobs about dust collection; dust is our enemy. Our vacuum cart is an integral part of our shop. Get the tools to make your own.
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We made these clamps for our use and we wanted to share. They are easy to make on any size CNC and are fully Fusion parametric.
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QR Codes? Yes QR Codes. They are super quick at linking you to a thing that would take much more time to manually enter, such as a URL to a fancy database called Airtable.
Come see how we use these tools to manage our shop.
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We recently upgraded our portable tool set – I was shocked to find that while both of my Porter Cable drill & driver had two magnetic tool holders each, the slick new DeWalt had no such feature on either tool. I went looking for solutions.
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