Tools We Use
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Donek Tools Drag Knives
Donek Tools makes a variety of models for different materials, radius needs, and collet size.
Get 10% off Donek TOOLS
with our promo code PDXCNC
We receive a small referral fee for any purchases at Donek's website with our code PDXCNC
Fusion 360 DragKnife Plugin
Post the created contours with your default post processor. Afterwards, open the file with DragKnife to convert it into a specialized g-code for drag knives.
How we Run our Business
Gusto - HR & Payroll
This is some of the best software we use. If you pay employees you need Gusto - literally every person at our company loves it. Try Gusto.
Airtable - Manage Everything
We’re big fans of Airtable. Imagine a spreadsheet on steroids. We use it to manage pretty near everything: New RFQ’s, Tool & Shop Inventory, Customer Feedback - best of all they offer a really amazing free plan.
Miro - Online Whiteboard
We use Miro for diagramming workflows and planning projects. It’s free to sign up and really fun to use.